love confusion

b'4 i fall in love with him..we are just freind..but i knw he love me so much n propose me so many times..but i refused coz i'm not ready yet..but nw when we couple,i got very jealous n feel very angry if he not answer my call...even i knw dat he's sleeping...n i feel jeoulous if he going sumwhr with frens or alone,coz i'm scared he will any other gurl or maybe any gurl wiil lokk at him..y i'm like dis??

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" "love is not blind,its sees, but it doesnt mind" "

- jiana» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Wat Would We Do?? Fight?

Author: Yazmin★★★
He is the very guy that came from my most
percious dreams. he cares for me. he loves me
for me. But all of that talking was all but
fantsy and reality came in nd everything came
crashing down on us. we realized so much ...(Cont.)