I love him!

10 years ago

I love him and had my chance with him but missed it, now he's with her and I want him more anything. How do I win him in 4 days?

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  • 10 years ago

    at any cause feel him how important he is to you and try to give yourself so that he may change and come to you... as from the boy's point of view first you should be fair and you should be taking care of him and you should hear his words always,,,, if any other girl comes in and she is more fair than you then it is crucial for you...

" To love is so startling it leaves little time for anything else. "

- Emily Dickinson» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Wat Would We Do?? Fight?

Author: Yazmin★★★
He is the very guy that came from my most
percious dreams. he cares for me. he loves me
for me. But all of that talking was all but
fantsy and reality came in nd everything came
crashing down on us. we realized so much ...(Cont.)