I like a guy in some of my classes. How do I get him to ask me out if he's a shy guy?

8 years ago

Ok, so I really like this guy who is in some of my classes. He already knows, i emailed him on Valentine's Day this year. We are both kind of nerds and we have a lot in common. We email back and forth but I feel like I am the one that initiates the convos, but he does a little bit. He isn't shy around his friends but he is around everyone else, especially me. I catch him staring at me at least once in every class, sometimes he'll smile and sometimes look away quickly. His best friend likes me and I think he likes me but doesn't want to admit it. I have a more outgoing personality somewhat, so I wonder sometimes if I am scaring him away.

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" To love is so startling it leaves little time for anything else. "

- Emily Dickinson» Love Quotes

Love Poem - For Once

Author: Mandi★★★★
for once you hold me
for once you say you love me
for once you want me to be yours
your feelings for me changed in the blink of
an eye. this feels like heaven ...(Cont.)