Can it be love?

9 years ago

I met this guy on a random chatting website on 21st December 2014, we became friends instantly. We soon exchanged numbers but we usually don't send texts to each-other. He is a really cute type guy but when we chat he asks me to speak always as he doesn't know how to keep conversation on. I think i really like him, but i don't know if i should tell him about this. He may reject me and never talk to me again. We chat daily, and a few days back when we dint chat for about 3 days and when we did he said he missed me, i made a joke out of it to hide my feelings. Can you fall for a guy whose like miles apart from you or is it just infatuation/obsession???

Kindly Help!!!

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  • 9 years ago

    yes you,my dear what you feel for him don't anything hinder to let him know

  • 9 years ago

    stranger danger. giiirl watch out its cool to be in love but i just want you to be safe mkay. i hope im not to harsh but try asking him to talk more about him be safe and careful, online relasonships are ticky but anyway just "you do you"

  • 9 years ago

    Sorry to be rude but don't talk to ppl online without knowing who they really are

" Everyone says you only fall in love once, but thats not true, everytime i hear your voice I fall in Love all over again. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Love For You

Author: Alon Calinao Dy★★★★
My love for you is like a shadow
You won't see it but you know
It's there wherever you want to go
And whatever you like to do.
My love for you is always true. ...(Cont.)