in silent i falled in love wit him.. wat should i do???

12 years ago

im in love wit 1 guy who's my classmate.. but it seem he getting bored wit me.. so wat should i do in this situation..???

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  • 12 years ago

    dominique don't stare at him all the time if ya do already. try and make him laugh ask him to hang out and ask him out on a date and the date should be something like going to the movies,picnicing under the stars,a romantic dinner,or just hanging out!!dont call him everyday either trust me they get annoyed!! don't be with him every minute of the day

  • Mel
    12 years ago

    When two people are too bored to argue the relationships over. Sorry but you can still salvage the realationship if you work hard

" My innocent soul want to connect with your beautiful soul. "

- [email protected]» Love Quotes

Love Poem - That Night <3

Author: Emmanuel Lopez★★★★
It happens out the blue, inspired to write.
inspired to fight for that girl of my dreams,
its silly but true no-one has ever made me
feel like you, Now i sit every-night and
think about why, how did this happen to me? ...(Cont.)