Does love exists when your love is loved by another?

11 years ago

********My ex and I were together off and on for 2 years. One day at college he met this gay guy and they became best friends, but I started to notice this guy was always mad at him for not calling him and letting him know where he was at. Or he would stalk him on our dates and run into us. But we just ended our friendship and he says that this guy hasn't don't anything wrong when I truly knew he was wanting my ex and for me to go away. I'm in so much pain.... I don't know what to do. __

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" Everyone says you only fall in love once, but thats not true, everytime i hear your voice I fall in Love all over again. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - A Short Regret

Author: AlNineteen★★★
Never dredge up the didn't-do's and
So many regrets
You were a freshman, blonde-smart-pretty, but
way too tall for boys ...(Cont.)