career or love?

12 years ago

im in a relationship....we love each other alot...we hv decided to marry each other...he is a business man and is from a well off a simple middle class girl..i have alwaz been very passionate about my studies and career...i hav just taken my first step towards my career..but his family will not allow me to go out and work...he wants to marry me within next 3 years but till then i wont be able to complete my ready to be a house wife but atleast i want to complete my studies..his family wont even allow me to study after marriage..what should i do? should i choose my career or him? how can in convince him so that he n his family will allow me to continue my studies? please suggest..

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" You are more then love to me...... you are the world!! "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - For Once

Author: Mandi★★★★
for once you hold me
for once you say you love me
for once you want me to be yours
your feelings for me changed in the blink of
an eye. this feels like heaven ...(Cont.)