Love Poem by hazem al jaber

Given below is a love poem titled Love`s drunkenness... . If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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Love`s drunkenness...

Submitted on : Oct 1, 2009
drunk i am...

really so drunk i am...

with your love i`m drunk...

wherever you go...

wherever you hide...

never to leave the heart and the mind...

because i drunk your love,since the day we met...

drunk it...

runs through all veins...

addicted it...

housed you into my heart...

and no heart here inside...

after yours...


drunk i am...

really so drunk i am...

drinks and with no drinks...

always i am so drunk...

and never to wake up from my drunkenness...

from your sweet pleasant beverage...

drunken mind...

missing heart...



longing heart forever for you...

me and you...

and a delicious sweet drink`s love between...

to drink both,one from the other...

this love which we addicted...

and promised each others...

to never wake up from this love...


drunk of you...

really i am sooo...

by: [email protected]

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hazem al...

~hazem al jaber

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