Is he love me?

12 years ago

i love him but he doesn't love me because he love my friend but my friend does not love him.. but sometimes i felt that he love because when my friends teased me that i have a crush on the other boy, i felt something wrong on his face,what is this ,Is he love me?

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  • 12 years ago

    yes because he feels something for you find more if he helps you in little way or something.don't forget if it is love never let him/her go..............................................

  • amy
    12 years ago

    how to know if a boy have strong feelings for you?i love him he is in 7th will he react to answer me?i am his classmate.i love him and want to check his love for me.

  • 12 years ago

    My kind request 2 u... pls dnt trust boys....

  • 12 years ago

    my boyfren dnt let me to talk to othr boyz
    he said he love bt he use to slap me always
    hw cn i know he love me o not

  • 5 years ago

    I love you i don't want to leave you love me forfefer do not love anybody I love u so much

  • 4 years ago

    Is he love you? Of course he love you. Don’t doubt yourself queen PERIODTTT sis. Take my advice, drop your so called “friend” because she’s a cockblock and you need that dick PERIODTTT last time I’ll say it sis PERIODTTTTT

  • 4 years ago

    Is he love you? Of course he love you. Don’t doubt yourself queen PERIODTTT sis. Take my advice, drop your so called “friend” because she’s a cockblock and you need that dick PERIODTTT last time I’ll say it sis PERIODTTTTT

    PERIODTTTT YOURE SO WOKE, have coffee sometime??? x

" When she was my classmate, I was a friend to her. When she was my friend, I was a bit more to her. When she was a bit ... " » Full Quote

- Sabarinath Reddy» Love Quotes

Love Poem - It Hurts

Author: Heather★★★★
i could fill a thousand pages telling you how
i felt and you would still not understand. so
now i leave without a sound except for the
sound of my heart shattering as it hits the
ground. ...(Cont.)