how should i tell my best friend that im in love with him

11 years ago

well i have this huge problem im in love with my best friend who i have know since i was a kid like about ten anyway when we both started high school i realized that i was totally in love with him and that scared me but i was to chicken to tell him i love him anyway know i want to tell him that im in love with him before we both finish school but how should i tell him ? and is that a good idea i dont want to ruin our friendship

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" Behind every girls smile, there is a boy who put it there. "

- Unknown.» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Sophie My Trophy

Author: Sanjeev jha★★★★★
Once upon a time I loved a girl
She used to walk in the streets of my city
Her name was sophie
She was my trophy
Once upon a time she loved to smile ...(Cont.)