how can i make realize th love to him

11 years ago

i feel that my better half is not love me.but i don't know why.i feel so insecure well as i tries so many times to ask about that.but he didn't give any response.i don't know how can i make realize him that i love him truly.actually i always wanted to be with him.if he try to go away from me i feel so helpless.i know that first of this relationship he was so caring towards me.but now i feel like he is ignoring me.i can't bear that.i don't want to be with him without his consent.but both of loved bettr than before.

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" I have crossed oceans of time to find you. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Im Standiing Alonne

Author: Herr badd ★★★
iim standiing alonne andd my own two feet
,.but wiith out youhh theiirs no me ii feel
liike a shadow whiich ii cant be seen only
andd the darkk ally and my dreams ..II CANT ...(Cont.)