Love Poem by colin

Given below is a love poem titled WHY SUICIDE?. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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User : colin
Submitted on : Jan 23, 2013
While im enjoying myself tonight
Thousands will die through the night
Some will die through suicide
Because life has gone from their eye's
The reason only they know why
Oh what a waste of life
In this journey through life
Men,woman & children will nolonger be alive
Some will die with no one by their side
In just a blink of a eye
Some with friends by their side
Others will die with family by their side
O why O why must they die
Soul's dissapearing into the night sky
The reason i don't know why
Only God know's why
They are not cowards or couragouse
They are not selfish
They just made the wrong choice to commit suicide
Colin Bradley


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