Love Poem by Ayanna

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When I 1st Fell In Love

User : Ayanna
Submitted on : Jul 19, 2010
When I first fell in love, it was like discovering a mysteryous source..... When I first fell in love, all I could think about was the saying "You don't know how good something is until it's gone"..... When I first fell in love I thought of him all day and night long..... I smiled at things people usually don't smile at, like his veins, they way certain things he says come out his mouth, The way he moves, everything!! When I first fell in love I knew for a fact it was true becuz I've never felt that way about anyone or anything..... When I first fell in love I wanted to be around him forever doing whatever and the ultimate..... Now being in love with him is hard becuz... He's not "here" with me..... I miss and love him so much no one could ever understand

R.I.P Michael J. Jackson


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