Love Poem by d3lpan

Given below is a love poem titled the light. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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the light

User : d3lpan
Submitted on : Jan 21, 2013
the pain of my heart
will remain forever
and the dream of my world
will remain forever
the light went off
and darkness fell all over
but in that room of hollowness
you came as a beam of light
i saw the world in you
and held my hopes for you
for something i got in you
which touched my heart like dew
you gave a way to move
but i stopped near a groove
the thornes made me fail
which then hurt like a hell
then i walked away
in the way of my life
but i was wrong
as you were lost in the fog

~d3lpan (bosch)

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