Love Poem by Tiffany L.

Given below is a love poem titled SOMEONE SPECIAL. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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User : Tiffany L.
Submitted on : Nov 1, 2009
I'm happy to say that I have;
not 4,
but 5 grandparents
Out of all of them
I may tell one of them;
my secrets,
my problems
my pain,
my life
She is the one who;
listens the most,
talks to me the most,
And doesn't let me down;
If I'm in trouble I come to her;
She helps me the best she can;
even when she goes,
when she leaves me in this world;
by myself,
all alone,
And with No one to;
share my prombles,
or share my feelings,
She will always be in my heart;
not just anywere in it,
but in the middle of it
The others around her every;
And day of my life
Even tho she's the one I look;
up to
I have the same feelings for all my grandparents

~Tiffany L.

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