Cupid Pictures & Valentine Cupid Picture

Images of Cupid - The cute valentine's day icon. Cupid pictures and Graphic image of Cupid. All these pictures of cupid are free an you can download and use them on your myspace, and other non-profit website.

TitleCupid Picture - Cupid with Hearts, Bow and Arrows
DescriptionValentine's Day Cupid - Cupid with Bow and Arrows carrying a Heart.

Love Poem - The Meaning

Author: -Kellie Spenh-★★★★
The Meaning
To love is to share life together
to build special plans just for two
to work side by side
and then smile with pride ...(Cont.)

" There are Two types of gals in the world. 1. They don't understand what is "TRUE LOVE" 2. Yet to born... " » Full Quote

- Balakumar Rajendran» Love Quotes

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