please answer this

10 years ago

how if you're a women and you love a man who is your friend?you can"t hide your feel but in the other way you"re afraid he'll make a distance if he know that you love him :(

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  • 10 years ago

    Tell him, You never know he might feel the same way!!! Good Luck Signed The Scorpion Lover

  • 10 years ago

    The question is: Do you want him to know that you like him? Or Do you want to know if he likes you? Plus he'll only distance himself if you're making the situation awkward. You can avoid that. You guys are friends. If you really can't hide what you feel, then tell him you like him. If he likes you back, woop dee dooooo. If he doesn't then move on. Don't waste your time pouting about a guy who won't even look your way.

" To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to ... " » Full Quote

- Woody Allen» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Life Partner

Author: Naina Rai★★★★
Life is a journey
And the person who helps you
to end it is your life partner,
The person who helps you to enjoy it
is your life partner, ...(Cont.)