my love

9 years ago

I love her, but still don't know what she feels about me, I love her too much, she gives smile and she tries to look at me sometimes like she is searching me , but I don not dare to tell her that how much I love her from 1 year, I am really mad for her

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  • 9 years ago

    Here's a point when two people smile at each other and exchange eye contact sounds like it's time for a date, or a letter with some slow music from you tube. let me know how it goes, or how it turns out, in the mean time find what moves her and summon her out on a date. (sorry for summon just send an invitation)

" hey..babe... i'm sure tht one day u will regret loosing me and loving her.. "

-» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Keep Fallin

Author: James Tunglut★★★
days passed by in just a matter of days
seasons went by in a matter of months
the sun came and set
the moon came and gone
but the moemories of u still lingers ...(Cont.)