Love Advice

9 years ago

i m in love with my girlfriend for last four years,facing some problem for last two years,waiting for marriage with her.pls advice.

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  • 9 years ago

    I suggest that you be your self front of her, maybe you can make her a card try to explain your love for her, it might fail and it might not,Remember if she wants to love you she should love you because you are you are you and because she is with you or maybe you can make her a short film about you guys with love music in the background maybe she would get touched, send a bouquet of flowers with a card written some sweet things in it... once an old friends told me that most of the relation ships that have fights are the ones that might work most of the time. If you did some mistake that she didnt like, tell her about it and tell her also that you wont repeat it again.... i hope it works and i also hope it helpful

    "If you guys are meant for each other than you will end up together"

  • www
    9 years ago

    give her something and say it if she says no then calm her down and convince her

" Some love lasts a lifetime. True love lasts forever. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Love For You

Author: Alon Calinao Dy★★★★
My love for you is like a shadow
You won't see it but you know
It's there wherever you want to go
And whatever you like to do.
My love for you is always true. ...(Cont.)