love advice

12 years ago

this guy i like is cute and everything we are friends at the time he was single but now hes dating one of my best friends and they called me and that he had feeling for and he doesnt like me like that and he wants us to be friends so my close best friend told me to tell him how i feel and he wants to hook me up with is so called look a likes friends what do i do?

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" My heart won't break, No matter how hard you try, The love that i feel will only continue to rise<3 "

- raven lipford» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Im Standiing Alonne

Author: Herr badd ★★★
iim standiing alonne andd my own two feet
,.but wiith out youhh theiirs no me ii feel
liike a shadow whiich ii cant be seen only
andd the darkk ally and my dreams ..II CANT ...(Cont.)