love advice

12 years ago

this guy i like is cute and everything we are friends at the time he was single but now hes dating one of my best friends and they called me and that he had feeling for and he doesnt like me like that and he wants us to be friends so my close best friend told me to tell him how i feel and he wants to hook me up with is so called look a likes friends what do i do?

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" dey say the hottest love has da coldest end...really ok den y is it dat wen im wit yu i get chills (cold) and wen im mad i ... " » Full Quote

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Want You Back

Author: Nhiecole★★★★
I didnt know why I broke up with you, maybe
because Im too scared that everyone would
know. Now that you found a new girl that can
give you what you want i guess i really lose
you. And now I can tell you how much I love ...(Cont.)