Help me

12 years ago

Im totally in love with this guy named ___.But he said his not ready for a relationship.I take that professionally from him.He said he just wants to be friends.I respect that.One day he plays soccer at my college.He saw me.But he doesnt say Hi to me.But,he said we are friends.I have tried everything to forget about him.What should I do now?

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" I hope you're in love with my heart of gold on the inside instead of my poor appearance on the outside "

- unique» Love Quotes

Love Poem - That Night <3

Author: Emmanuel Lopez★★★★
It happens out the blue, inspired to write.
inspired to fight for that girl of my dreams,
its silly but true no-one has ever made me
feel like you, Now i sit every-night and
think about why, how did this happen to me? ...(Cont.)