
9 years ago

I like this boy but my mom hates him. so we kind of dating without her knowing what should I do. I really like the boy he make me smile when I having a bad day he make me happy. I REALLY REALLY LIKE HIM

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  • Amy
    9 years ago

    why does ur mom hate him?? and if u really do like him then ur mother will have to understand go for t if u really like him :)

" dey say the hottest love has da coldest end...really ok den y is it dat wen im wit yu i get chills (cold) and wen im mad i ... " » Full Quote

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Sophie My Trophy

Author: Sanjeev jha★★★★★
Once upon a time I loved a girl
She used to walk in the streets of my city
Her name was sophie
She was my trophy
Once upon a time she loved to smile ...(Cont.)