complicated situations are running

11 years ago

I am in love with Srishti. And in these days i cant understand, what is wrong going on. We are fighting on small small things, and irritates with each other. But I can't live without her and she is also. but the situations are very difficult to solve what I do? she always saying me I Love you so much, but i can't marry with you? Please you have some tips tell me..

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  • 11 years ago

    you should find out why she cant marry you and its okay to fight over small things everyone does it every once in a while you just got to figure things out set her down and talk to her about things and figure out how you can get them situated hope this helps

" Love- Giving someone the ability to destroy your heart, but trusting them enough not to. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - An Unfinished Love...

Author: Nair Subaash★★★★
What should i say about love when it comes to
the pain to endure it,
Nothing changed much from the past till now
which remains the same,
Yet the concept and the way of love changes ...(Cont.)