
12 years ago

i love a girl bt she was committed with another guy. she was not too much committed to him. that guy donot spend time with her and i talk with her so much that i fell in love with. she too had some feelings for me. i proposed her and after few days she accpted me with out breaking up with that guy. now wen the guy came to know about us, she donot want too keep relation with any one of us.plz help what should i do.i love her a lot.

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" "I love you in every way, I see my future in your face, I will love you till the end of my days, I will wait as ... " » Full Quote

- LJ» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Splendid You Are...

Author: Hazem al jaber★★★
Splendid you are...
love never to be perfect...
love never to get its complete and
fullness... ...(Cont.)