Tips to get your Ex back

A breakup is one of the most devastating feelings in the world. Even though a lot of people go through breakups, when it comes to consoling another person to get through with it, they fail. The only advice people have for people who have just broken up with their lover is to "move on". What they do not understand is the fact that it is not really that easy. Sometimes, one does not want to move on. Sometimes, you just want to get your ex back.

There are a few things that one has to consider before getting their lover back. First thing you should think about is the reason why the two of your broke up. Try putting aside your emotions for a minute to think if there was true logic or sense behind this decision. Were you miserable during the relationship? Did you fight all the time? Were you really not that into the relationship or were you complacent about it? Was there any abuse, emotional or physical, in the relationship? All this will help figure out if you should think about how to get back together with your lover.

Getting your lover back might not be that tough, but you need to think about if this is the best course of option for you. Only think about getting your lover back if you are really interested in your lover and you actually love them and want to be with them. The point is, immediately after a break up, a person’s ego can get really wounded, and they might just think that they want to get their ex back to make themselves feel better. This will just harm you and the relationship further. Remember, thinking about getting your lover back only if you are truly in love with them and genuinely want them for what they are.

How to get your ex back?

First of all, you need to understand that there is no Bible that you can stick to when it comes to getting your girlfriend back or getting your boyfriend back. This would depend on the relationship the two of you have shared till now and the reasons why you broke up. However, there are a few tips that you could follow, that would provide you with some direction and make sure that you are not damaging your chances to get back together with your lover.

  • Do’s to get your Lover Back
    1. If you want to get your ex back, you have to make sure that you build on your self-confidence. This is a point of time in life when your ego is probably really hurt, but don’t let that get the best of you, for that will certainly damage your chances of getting your boyfriend back or girlfriend.
    2. Distract yourself for a few days, at least. We know that this can be really tough. At this point of time, all your nerves and emotions are probably asking you to call your ex over and over again to convince him or her to get back together with you. But if you do that, you will just be damaging your chances, so please don’t do that. The more you call them and the more desperate you look, the lesser chances you will have to get back together with your lover. The more desperate you seem, the lesser your lover would want you back. So keep away for a few days.
    3. Keeping out of touch with your lover for a few days would also make them miss you more. This way, they might start thinking about calling you, if for no other reason than habit. They will also realize that you were an integral part of their life and miss you because you are not a part of it any more. If they still don’t call you or make an attempt to get in touch with you for a long time, it might be wise to stop thinking of how to get your lover back.

      Read more on how to make your ex love you again.

  • Don'ts to get your ex back
    1. Do not call your ex back over and over again, especially immediately after they have broken up with you. This will not aid you in the process of getting your girlfriend back or getting your boyfriend back, because that will just make them annoyed at you.
    2. Do not send them any mails or messages that you would regret later. Right after the breakup, you might not be thinking of how to get your lover back, you would be in a hurt state of mind and you might actually end up hurting your lover.
    3. Do not go on a rebound. A rebound just distracts people from their actual love for a little while. If you want to get your lover back later, it will not be nice for you to go through a string of rebounds now.
    4. Do not start doubting yourself or blaming yourself. It is important for you to understand that relationships are two way streets and there is no way a relationship can fail only because of one person. Both of you had an equal part in the relationship, but one of you just thought it was not working out. Besides, you are thinking of getting your boyfriend back or girlfriend. Having low self esteem at this point of time would make you slow and unhappy, which will not attract your ex back to you.
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