Tips to be a good girlfriend

Have you ever wondered if you could make your relationship better? In order to make a relationship work, both of you must be prepared and you should be looking out for tips on how to be a good girlfriend as well. After all, this is the only way in which you can have a long, lasting relationship that is also happy!

Tips on how to be a good girlfriend:

  1. Make him feel special: A lot of girlfriends think that being a good girlfriend means being aloof or indifferent, because that makes men love them more. But, this is really not how it works. Men do like women who are shrouded in mystery, but there is a difference between holding back a few things so that he can guess and just being indifferent. He is your boyfriend-you have to make him feel special.
  2. Want him, but don't be needy: If you want to learn how to be a girlfriend, you need to learn how to not be needy. Be assertive- if you want to spend time with him, let him know. If you think he is not spending time with you, let him know, but don't be needy or be clingy. If he wants to spend his day doing something else, respect his wishes. After all, being understanding is a vital part of being a good girlfriend.
  3. Earn the respect of his friends and family: Are you interested in being a good girlfriend in the short run or do you want to earn and keep your boyfriend's love for a long time? In case it is the latter, you have to make sure that his friends and family like you. Don't change your character for this. Do not play two different people in front of him and his family or friends, because that will just confuse him. But be yourself and be likeable. No man would think of being with a girl on a long term basis if his friends or his family do not like her.
  4. Wear the pants sometimes: There are a lot of assumptions on how to be a good girlfriend that does not really work. Most women think that if they play the timid damsel in distress, her boyfriend will like her more. Well, he does like being the prince and knowing that he can save you, but sometimes, you have to be the prince as well. Go to his rescue, stand up for him during fights on in general. This will make him realize that you respect him and that you will always have his back.
  5. Be interested in his interests: Of course, we know that you and your boyfriend might not have all common interests. Being a good girlfriend does not mean you turn into a carbon copy of your boyfriend, but sometimes, you should go out of your way to be interested in something that is important for him. If the game is on and it is your date night, make a quick choice. Is the game really important for him? If it is, let him have his way. Maybe you could just order in some dinner and sit down to watch the game with him.
  6. Take initiative when in bed: No list on how to be a good girlfriend will be complete without mentioning the tricks in bed. Only you know what your boyfriend likes or what you like, so this advice cannot be really concrete. But, in general, take initiative in bed. Men love women who take charge!
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