Winning My Love's Heart

10 years ago

How do i let the girl i love know im the one... without coming out with it. I cant exactly go up to this girl and say it... its extremely fragile with her... i never gave her the best vibe... what can i do to change everything.. i never really even got to know her... Shes a mutual friend... almoast all of her friends are mine too.... Ive loved her since i started middle school - 5 years ago. How do i win her forever. her name is Amanda Hoppe.

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  • 10 years ago

    you can't change her. if she love u she will give u every possible sign but never tell u that she love u. i think you should try to make her happy even on small & every possible is an internal feeling. you can't generate it at a time.

" Love- Giving someone the ability to destroy your heart, but trusting them enough not to. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love At First Sight

Author: Lorena★★★
With the stars shining in your eyes,
With the moonlight's that veils you body in
ethernal form.
Who are you? And why are youi here? My heart
beats faster with each step you take, My ...(Cont.)