there's this guy...

11 years ago

how can i get this guy to like me? im so ugly.... and i am pretty sure he hates me. what am i supposed to do? His name is Jaxon and I really like him but i don't think he will ever give me a chance to prove my love :( What should I do and how can i get him to like me? plus, any advice to a much more clear face?

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  • Ek
    11 years ago

    First things first if u have pimples than put vinegar. Never think he hates u or I'm sure he will never like u ( no offence). Just try to be yourself around him and try to find things that u 2 have in common. Give it a try and let me know how it turns out

" You are more then love to me...... you are the world!! "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Tears

Author: Jdakjiefj★★★
If you were gone my tears had fallen
When you came back my tears had fallen
These tears make me feel joy
That somebody could love this much
The tears of filled of love that would make a ...(Cont.)