BFF or BF?

10 years ago

me and my best friend forever both like the same boy. everyone says he likes me, and now my BFF is being rood, and mean to me. what do i do, and how do i act around 'him' I've never had a bf before, and this is the biggest crush I've ever had! please help me

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  • Mae
    10 years ago

    I read somewhere that "A friend will always be there for you but a boy won't" (They mean a boyfriend or a girlfriend depending on whether you are a girl or a boy) So my advice is, dont throw away your best friend for a boy. Try to make up with her, its worth it. My best friend has been my friend for 11 years- since before we started school. So I guess what I'm trying to say in a roundabout way is- your friend is more important. (act naturally around the boy you like, just be yourself) - hope this helps, Mae

  • 10 years ago

    hi my name is Vanessa and u just like me u know y cuz me and my bestfriend had a crush on same boy.and the boy loved me and other girl so my bedtfriend didt know until she figer it out so wat ever i walk by him he gimme his phone # and he smiled at i just didt tell my bestfriend

" Love me now, love me never, but if you love me, love me forever. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love Is Like Hell

Author: Lital Sarphati★★★★
why does love hurt me so much
you don't know I'm loging to your touch
knowing that you will never be mine
that hurts me time by time
many hearts are broken because of you ...(Cont.)