will i get marry to whom i love

10 years ago

i want to know will i get marry to whom i love, that guy name is amit. we love each other too much, but now this guy amit is going to marry a girl named Dikshita bcoz of his parents wish. so i want to know will i get back to my love and will we tie in the knot of marriage

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  • 10 years ago

    you will not I am sorry but you will find some one ells I am sher

  • 10 years ago

    hey how are you guys i'm in love with sombody he dont know i love him so should i say to him i love you

" Behind every girls smile, there is a boy who put it there. "

- Unknown.» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Lost In Tears

Author: Casey Avery★★★★
You build me up then let me down.
You make the smile and creat the frown
You alawys come but never stay.
In the end your the one to walk away.
I stand alone confused in the dark. ...(Cont.)