What does that mean?

9 years ago

Well there's a guy that I have broke up with for almost a month now. I clearly remembered him saying that he wont go to anywhere that would remind him of me, even that effin exclusive facebook account of mine for him. But just a while ago, I checked my account and well saw that he was online 4 hours earlier and Im not sure what to think of it. Did he do it coz he missed me? Or could it be just because he wanted to see what happened? Or was it because he moved on already and is comfortable to see anything that is associated with me?

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" you make me ill like a cancer in the brain...cant get you out of my mind "

- bluefox» Love Quotes

Love Poem - That Night <3

Author: Emmanuel Lopez★★★★
It happens out the blue, inspired to write.
inspired to fight for that girl of my dreams,
its silly but true no-one has ever made me
feel like you, Now i sit every-night and
think about why, how did this happen to me? ...(Cont.)