How Do I STOP!

10 years ago

HI, I have this one habbit that I can't stop, which is not looking my boyfriend in the eyes because, I don't want to be rude but he has acne but I still love him with all my heart. But I just don't know what or how to stop my horrible habbit. Can someone as kind as you help? if you review please reply.

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" Go away from me with a sweet smile if you love somebody else but, do not try to stay at me without love my love is true ... " » Full Quote

- angel 1989» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Dream

Author: Tiffany L.★★★
I dreamt about this day,
the day i never thought would come,
the day we lost every thing we had,
the day we would have to start over,
the day our home burnt to the ground, ...(Cont.)