my problem

12 years ago

i am married but my married life don't go so good, before we were lovers and we love each other alot but now it seems like we both hate each other tell me what should i do to bring back my lover?

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  • 12 years ago

    you need to add some spark maybe try doing something that you guys normally wouldnt do sometimes all you need is some different things happening in the relationship to keep the spark up and running, try going on a vacation, or night club! hope this helped you

  • 12 years ago

    there is this boy named Anthony that i now and i asked him out and he dosent like me

" "I love you in every way, I see my future in your face, I will love you till the end of my days, I will wait as ... " » Full Quote

- LJ» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Splendid You Are...

Author: Hazem al jaber★★★
Splendid you are...
love never to be perfect...
love never to get its complete and
fullness... ...(Cont.)