marriage problem

12 years ago

i m in love from last 1 year wth my ex college the problm is dat we both are of other caste.might be our family 'll not permit for that. what we have to do ????

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  • pav
    12 years ago

    Saurabh ... inter-caste marriages are very hard to convince and very hard to survive. you guys are dating just for an year... my advice is (if u have time) give time and date for 2-3 years before u end up marrying. Sincerely dont take any step of eloping and dont get married in court.i guess u know big diff btw LOVE and MARRIAGE... LOVE= only u both involved but Marriage=whole family from both-sides gets involved takes lot of thinking and maturity to handle the problems. Plz convince your parents, it might take lot of time but you must try to convince.. without their support its had to lead a married life... All the Best Saurabh.. hope ur love wins!

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Let me get straight to the point: I love you.
I simply but strongly desire to wrap my arms
around your body so I can hold you near me. I
want to love you every day, every night,
every minute and every second. Merely by your ...(Cont.)