
10 years ago

okay so a guy called aaron. i adore him. but he keeps hurting me, then being reallly nice and saying sorry and using me to get information or give him a good reputation. is this manipulation? cos everyobdy i know either hates him and is telling me to get over him or they really like him and theyre all like you're never gonna get him...but i've wanted him for four years now...and he keeps on doing this to. anyone understand what he's doing cos i dont?

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" She lied that she loves me for my happiness... I lied that I hate her for her happiness... "

- Dhanawada nirmal rao» Love Quotes

Love Poem - First Love

Author: Anynomes★★★
Oh my, I saw him,
There, across the room.
He's tall, handsome, amazing!
His dangerously dark brown hair,
Blew in the wind from the open window above. ...(Cont.)