13 years ago

how do you love somebody that says they dont love you back but they flurt ALOT?

Post Your Reply

  • 13 years ago

    I dont think I love my boyfriend any more but I am still with him

  • 13 years ago

    I dont think I love my boyfriend any more but I am still with him

  • 13 years ago

    hai iam eswar where r u???????????????????

  • 7 years ago

    DUMP HIM GURL!! If he doesn't say I luv u back he ain't worth it so get out of it while you can!

" Love doesn't make the world go round it makes the ride worth the while "

- Anonyme » Love Quotes

Love Poem - Incomplete

Author: Landsley Alexandre★★★★
I feel incomplete, I am missing a part of me
I am a puzzle, but I wonder where is my
crucial piece
How can I be whole, if you have left me
unfinished ...(Cont.)