love suggestion

12 years ago

i love a boy.who has commited to me that he will marry me, but he wont have that feelings for me,,bcz he cannot forget his past love yet, plz suggest me in which way i can gain his love and feeling . becz that girl starts to give him call for sevarel times,,, and try to pull him back ,what step could i take to get my would be husband's attention and love...plz help me..

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  • 12 years ago

    Don't tell him show him . If he is still in love with them tell him to let that person go.

" "she changed everything in me and finally said you are changed" "

- venki» Love Quotes

Love Poem - ...i Tried...

Author: Kas★★★★
At this night,
At this hour,
I'm still thinking of you,
Although you're not beside me.
I tried without you by my side, ...(Cont.)