Love is in the way

9 years ago

If a boy wants you let him keep wanting you meaning let him do things for you that feels right, make them work for what they want just for them to show how bad they want it cause if u just give it to them they are going to think u can get it very easily and he going to run over you cause he already got what he wanted so take your time giving people things such as boys cause they can take advantage of it if u give it to them the wrong way and sending pictures can make things worse cause they have something to blackmail you with."please reply"

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" Everyone says you only fall in love once, but thats not true, everytime i hear your voice I fall in Love all over again. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - First Love

Author: Anynomes★★★
Oh my, I saw him,
There, across the room.
He's tall, handsome, amazing!
His dangerously dark brown hair,
Blew in the wind from the open window above. ...(Cont.)