Love Hurts

10 years ago

I am very much in love, no doubt about it. My woman loves me, no doubt about it. I have researched alot of things within our relationship and personal selves such as numerology compatibility, soul connection, birth dates (and i mean going deep into the zodiac), psychic readings and things of the sort. Outsiders would say that we dont belong together but all my my research says different. The problem is that we argue on a consistent basis and I know as well as she does that this is not healthy at all. i dont want to leave her and she doesnt want to leave me, on the contrary, i wanmt her in my life forever. I want her to be my wife and make a family and grow. I just dont know how to get past the petty bickering. We have been through alot as a couple in the past 18 months and I would say that those things should have broken us up but they have only held us together. It is evident that we want one another, even belong together, but i just want the arguing to stop. No relationship is perfect, but nobody deserves to have to go through this everyday either. Please help me get my relationship to where it should be. I love this woman and she loves me and we want our love to last forever.

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  • Amy
    10 years ago

    Alright, first things first stop researching about love and a relation ship, you create the love, and as for the fights, why dont u start reliying on you not the internet and the media relay on the love u carry for her. Fights are normal but everyday thats not good, make it better show hom much u love her, by loving her from your heart hope this helps:)

" She made me cry, she made me mad.. she made me a nothing, but still she made me believe that she is everything to me "

- suneel» Love Quotes

Love Poem - A SPECIAL WORLD....<3 <3 !!..

Author: Priyanka thete★★★
A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold ...(Cont.)