
12 years ago

i m married and have to kids, but my parents have selected and i love some one else but after 12 years i want to marry with my love who is also married a uear wife is ready to support me to get my first crash, so whats yur opnion

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  • 12 years ago

    i once loved a person who hates me , but i cant help it ? what can i do? then he suddenly disappeared....then the other one i loved loves someone else whom i found out was my friend ., i thought he loves me but he just treats me as a friend..

" if i have to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Want You Back

Author: Nhiecole★★★★
I didnt know why I broke up with you, maybe
because Im too scared that everyone would
know. Now that you found a new girl that can
give you what you want i guess i really lose
you. And now I can tell you how much I love ...(Cont.)