10 years ago

I am bi sexual and I have a huge crush on this boy he is wonderful! We have bee bffs for years but he doesnt know a) i love him and b) i am bisexual. I tried talking to him about being bi before but he wasnt really paying attention. I also dont want to ruin our friendship but i think he likes me back, i could also be confusing it for our bffness. I have known him since we were 5. He is wonderfully perfect and he know all my thing that i dont talk about because he lived through them with me. Like when my mum died he came over and didnt leave my side. he has been there for all my dance recitals and roller derby bouts. I dont want all of that to change. I dont know what to do help!!!!!

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" How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Best Friends

Author: Erin★★★
a friend will comfort you when he dumps you a
best friend will walk up to him and say
" its because your gay isnt it!"