is religion counts?

12 years ago

i have this problem... my boyfriend and i had a different religion.. do you think this will lead us to destruction...?? but we love each other dearly.. it's just that i the girl is afraid that my family will not accept him if they will discover that he has a different religion... what am i going to do?? i don't want to break up with my boyfriend... for o love him and i know that he loves me too... i am hoping that you will enlighten me... thank you..

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" " I wish u to be by my side To help my eyelids to hug together I wish u to be by my side When the morning sun kisses ... " » Full Quote

- Jisha Praveen» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Pictures

Author: Veni★★★
Sometimes I look at pictures
I look into his eyes, at his face
I look at the smile he used to give to me
I pray to see it live again someday
Sometimes I listen to those lyrics ...(Cont.)