is it true love appears in this world???

13 years ago

why there was an increase in playgurlz nowadays???? i reali hate the gurlz bcz thruogh my experience the gurl tat i loved is good at the begining but after sometimes she totally changed and she juz leavea me like that.... so i juz keep in promise with myself to became a playboyz... i didn't mean all the gurlz....

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" How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love At First Sight

Author: Lorena★★★
With the stars shining in your eyes,
With the moonlight's that veils you body in
ethernal form.
Who are you? And why are youi here? My heart
beats faster with each step you take, My ...(Cont.)