i love someone

13 years ago

sir i love someone who is very special i love her so so so much
can v ever b in a relationship?
she know that but she tell me tha we will be gd friends but never b in a relationship
actually she dont want 2 b in a relationship wid anyone
she is d topper of d school and i m d failure
plse advice sir
i m madly in love wid her
waiting 4 ur positive rply

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" Love is a thing we like to say, but really i want to save it for the special day , love is something everything you need, ... " » Full Quote

- Love will never die.<3» Love Quotes

Love Poem - It Hurts

Author: Heather★★★★
i could fill a thousand pages telling you how
i felt and you would still not understand. so
now i leave without a sound except for the
sound of my heart shattering as it hits the
ground. ...(Cont.)