I like a guy in some of my classes. How do I get him to ask me out if he's a shy guy?

8 years ago

Ok, so I really like this guy who is in some of my classes. He already knows, i emailed him on Valentine's Day this year. We are both kind of nerds and we have a lot in common. We email back and forth but I feel like I am the one that initiates the convos, but he does a little bit. He isn't shy around his friends but he is around everyone else, especially me. I catch him staring at me at least once in every class, sometimes he'll smile and sometimes look away quickly. His best friend likes me and I think he likes me but doesn't want to admit it. I have a more outgoing personality somewhat, so I wonder sometimes if I am scaring him away.

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" Love- Giving someone the ability to destroy your heart, but trusting them enough not to. "

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Love Poem - My Angel

Author: Xavier Johnson★★★★
Let me get straight to the point: I love you.
I simply but strongly desire to wrap my arms
around your body so I can hold you near me. I
want to love you every day, every night,
every minute and every second. Merely by your ...(Cont.)