How To Let Go?

11 years ago

How can I get over my ex once and for all??? I still feel emotionally attatched to my ex-fiance and my last boyfriend (we'll refer to my fiance as V, and my bf as L) But both of those relationships were a long time ago. And now somebody amazing has fallen in love with me (we'll call him T) and I can't love this person back until I completely let go of my ex. How can I do that??? How can I let go of V and L so I can take a chance with T?

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" Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Angel

Author: Xavier Johnson★★★★
Let me get straight to the point: I love you.
I simply but strongly desire to wrap my arms
around your body so I can hold you near me. I
want to love you every day, every night,
every minute and every second. Merely by your ...(Cont.)