Girl falling for Bestfriend

10 years ago

I like this guy, "steve" and were best friends ...but I want to be more than that..any thoughts how I could ask him out without ruining our friendship..?

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  • 10 years ago

    I am having literally the same problem! So I can't really help, but I do wish you good luck! :-)

  • 10 years ago

    Missing you Missing you is an understatement how i wish you are here with me now so that i can tell you how much i miss you with my actions and less words.. Its you i'll forever love. Miss you *Simplicitea

  • 9 years ago

    You gotta risk it. No pain, no gain. No money, no train ticket.

  • 9 years ago

    ask him in a cool way and ask him if he likes you it dosent matter if he breaks up but one day he would come back

  • 9 years ago

    Maybe you could try and tell him in weird ways and maybe he will find out

  • 9 years ago

    What I would say to do is just ask him out as best friends first and then after awhile ask him out. The number one thing to do is take it slow! That's what I did with me and my best friend and we now like each other after being best friends for three years.

  • 9 years ago

    I went through the same thing. And I was straight forward with him, told him that i liked him and then he asked me out. Just don't stress. But try to see if there are any hints that show that he likes you. Does he flirt with other girls or does he focus on you? Ask yourself questions like this to see the hints.

  • 9 years ago

    show your feelings for him like laugh at his jokes and eat lunch with him

  • 9 years ago

    girl you can do it i did with my bestfriend he lived by me for six years

" I hope you're in love with my heart of gold on the inside instead of my poor appearance on the outside "

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Love Poem - Luv You

Author: Rabbit★★★
do I say tonite
I dont wanna fight
but all we need is lite
we can fly some kites
and come back home tonite