
12 years ago

i dnt knw if i love him r nt n i dnt knw if he luv me r nt ...all i do knw is we start it as a gud friends n become moren more close ...close tht we cant spend a day without a contact or a tell me what is wrong??!!!

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  • 12 years ago

    You both might be hesitant and not know it because you don't want to ruin your friendship. So that might be what's wrong

" When i was afraid of everything, i was never afraid of loving you "

- Unknown» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Sophie My Trophy

Author: Sanjeev jha★★★★★
Once upon a time I loved a girl
She used to walk in the streets of my city
Her name was sophie
She was my trophy
Once upon a time she loved to smile ...(Cont.)