family problem

10 years ago

i n my boy was in luv for 3 years..last week he went to an astrologer there he said,my boy wants to get marry within 9 his parents were very strict in we both are scare...but we are in very strong in our luv....but eventhough 1 prblm is within 9 mnts he needs to get marry what shall we do now...but we dont like to do register marge..what shall we do now help us...

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" Love- Giving someone the ability to destroy your heart, but trusting them enough not to. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - That Night <3

Author: Emmanuel Lopez★★★★
It happens out the blue, inspired to write.
inspired to fight for that girl of my dreams,
its silly but true no-one has ever made me
feel like you, Now i sit every-night and
think about why, how did this happen to me? ...(Cont.)